ダイアクロン DA-95 ロボットベース:陸上機動戦艦新品未開封◯内容航空母艦を想起させる2基の飛行甲板、左右にレーダーを配した武骨な艦橋、手すりを備えた各部のデッキ、そして巨体を支える10基の巨大クローラーで砂塵を巻き上げ大地を驀進するその姿は、正に陸上を駆ける超弩級戦艦である。Diaclone DA-95 Robot Base: Land Mobile Battleship "Grand DionThe second model in the Robot Base Project, the "Grand Dion" land-based mobile battleship. The two flight decks are reminiscent of an aircraft carrier, the bridge is armored with radar on both sides, and each deck is equipped with handrails.The "Grand Dion," the largest of the Diaclone series, is a "battleship-type" model with a huge number of gimmicks in various parts of the ship, including the boarding and deployment of Diaclone crew members, storage and launch of various machines, and deployment of various arms and hatches, realizing various playable situations and providing a lot of play value. The definitive version of the "battleship-type toy! Experience the unprecedented giant battleship-type toy!Five diaclone crew members are included.フィギュア種類...その他